So on Saturday morning we awoke rather early, the sun comes up at way earlier than the crack of when dawn should be I reckon so you wake up at like 6am or something...still, it gets dark early too, so it all balances out I guess...So yep, as you can see from the picture, we saw a dingo pretty close to us today, looks like they tag them all. Isn't Dingo just a great word, Dingo dingo dingo...
Today we went off in a 4 4x4 car convoy, the tide was high so we went inland to avoid getting stranded and stuck on the beach, but eventually one of the cars started dying from all the hard work it was having to do, so we went back out to civilisation.
Then the rest of us headed to Eli Creek, which was just lovely too. Ami spotted that there were loads of blue bottle jellyfish on the side of the water, tiny little things that look like broken bits of bubble wrap..not fatal, but not nice stings either. There about the size of your nail and so you might easily not notice them floating about in the water...luckily Eli Creek was fresh water and we were seeing them where the sea met the creek.
It's just a whole lot easier to say this thing with pictures isn't it?
There was also a ship wreck where I reckon we all got some pretty cool pictures. Funny how people just leave ship wrecks, I guess they're too difficile to move and they then become tourist attractions!
There's so much to see on this island considering, you know, it's just a big sandune, but it's just amazing, every new thing you see is equally beautiful and slightly breath-takey, it's great! So on the way to go and catch us a campsite we saw the pinnacles, big pretty sandune formations.
Then we got a campsite with not so much wind protection from the sea and I got a bit freaked about all the holes in the ground, paranoid that we were going to be camping on a ton of snake holes...
I think Ami caught the sunset this morning, then came back in to the tent to sleep more. When we awoke we headed off to Champagne rocks and I got in the water!! It was lovely...although with me hurty foot a bit risky as the tide pushed you about a bit. So pretty though and it did bubble as the water came in sometimes too!
Then we went to a lake where we hoped to see little turtles, sadly we didn't, it was right brown and to clean a bit of the sea water off I got in, though didn't really enjoy it, and it was oddly cold...this is Australia don't you know I thought, it's meant to be hot hot hot! In the evening we went down to join Christian and crew in our original campsite and took advantage of their bbq. We got an ace glimpse of the Milky way as well as a few shooting stars, and a really cool image of a Dingo until some random horrid person drove up on to the sandune randomly to scare it or something, v odd.
The next morning we headed off to Lake McEnzie which was almost as amazing as Lake Birrabean, only there were more people about, I swam about for quite some time in it. If lakes looked like that in the UK I'd swim in them all the time. Who'da thought Australia would be the place where I'd choose comfortably to swim in a lake and ignore my swimming in a lake or the sea fears?
On the 'other side' (Rainbow Beach) we stopped for lunch and then spent an hour cleaning out Hit's car for all the sand that it had accumulated over the weekend...then a car wash, then a 3 hour drive back to Brisbane...I had a fab time travelling about with Ami, Joanna and Hit, it was really nice. We experienced the excitement of discovering that there were 'real' loos together (would it be a long drop or an Elsan type loo...), having ceremonies, they were subjected to my music taste, and all nearly got marrooned on the way back to the ferry on our return as the tide was a bit too high...
On my return to Brisbane I went to stay with Liz and loved the shower I got when I arrived! The company after that was lovely too, and she fed me lovely home made food and we shared a bottle of wine and had a good old moider. On the Tuesday Liz took me for a little tour of New Farm and to some delis and the like and then to eat in a nice restaurant there. Liz also recommended lots of films for me to watch, and showed me her book of all her film flyers which I thought was cute, it sort of inspired me to start going to the cinema more whilst I was here anywayz. My return flight I caught with Tiger Airways was even more annoying than the way out...This time they put us on the plane then had to get us off and scan our luggage they'd received a 'there's a bomb' note or something. Sniffer dogs were in the luggage hold and the like too...that was all fair enough I guess, but the annoying thing was that they didn't try and help get us reasonably speedily back on, re-scanning more efficiently nor keeping us up to date via the tannoys. grrr. So back after midnight ready for work the next day. Humph! After a fabulous adventure on Fraser and a lovely evening and day with Liz it was an annoying way to finish. But I highly recommend you go and stay on Fraser Island if you ever get the chance, it's just lush, well worth it!
I like chocolate flavoured snakes.x