Tuesday after work went to the Westgarth cinema again with Kate and we went to see ‘Date Night’, quite funny actually, easy going watch anyway, had Steve Carrell and Tina Fey in it, after that we ate pretty straightforward but good food at Traffic in Westgarth, very friendly waitress. On Wednesday I caught the tram late to work and was punished by there being an accident on route and them chucking us off the tram to work to La Trobe, around three or four miles away I think it was…I walked for half an hour, with my hurting foot and all…and then everything cleared and I got back on the tram…hmm…the one cool thing I did get out of the experience though was that I saw a Possum jumping along, that was cool, though I didn’t quite believe it was a real thing because it was so very jumpy. At the end of the day I went to the student Podiatrists based at La Trobe to get ‘em to have a look at my left foot…
They were very interested in it and made me walk and watched me walk for ages, and then referred me over the road for an Ultrasound and an X-ray…which I did the next day and had to pay for…think I may be able to claim it back on Medicare…need to sort that still – you can back date though so should be OK…cost me $190.
On my Friday off I decided to go and visit the Australian Cochrane Centre, a bit worky for a day off, but I thought it would be interesting to see where they are based and it was nice to see Miranda too. To get to Monash I had to catch the train, a new experience…then I got the train back to Chapel street, shopsville, but expensive shopsville…clothes do seem to be more expensive than I think they should be allowed to be here, also clothes are often interesting but fit you weirdly I’m starting to find…weird, not accommodating for curves or even mediocre chests either…went to ‘Made gorgeous’ to get a Pedicure, beauticians near me. The woman was reet full of information and told me loads of places to visit in Melbourne. That Friday evening Kate and I walked out down Brunswick street, spying a possum on the way…and passed by a lovely looking place called Matteos on St Georges Road as you get nearer Brunswick street….it had red lamps in the window (we’re noticing a trend of us tending to gravitate towards venues with red lighting of some sort…) At Matteo’s, (www.matteos.com.au) the sort of venue that you get seriously dressed up to go out to, we ate divine food, I had beef and we had two gorgeous desserts, mine had crisp banana slices, then the manager gave us two additional drinks, a dessert wine, which was lovely and some grappa, not quite so lovely…after that Michelle joined us and we all headed towards Bar Open on Brunswick street, to listen to some Jazz, scary Jazz I think, it was a bit too Maths-brain for me! Then we went to the Night Cat, club venue in Brunswick street area, just off on Johnson street www.thenightcat.com.au/main - we saw Mister Savona, cool reggae/dancehall/hip hop apparently, good dancing music anywayz! Then we headed over reasonably drunkenly by this point to Polly which was a lovely cocktail venue. The exterior is weird and a bit like an English garden with fountain sort of…the inside is gorgeous and very red, though you only realise this once you are in there as there are no windows to the outside, just lush velvety redness everywhere and a cocktail bar in the centre (www.pollybar.com.au) and we were served by ‘Vanilla Rice’… – added to the list of must sees for tourists…
It was a very late night but the next morning I had to get up for beauticians again for hair removal, nice! But first off I had a skype conversation with Dave, James, Jude and Marlo which was lovely, they were all rather drunken which was kinda strange witnessing at 8.30am, but sweet too and it made me miss them a little and I admit feel a tad home sick…then in the afternoon Michelle and I we cycled to the Zoo, a really nice cycle ride from my house along cycle paths off the road…but then it was quite late when we got there and a warm day so all the animals appeared to be half asleep…which didn’t make for particularly exciting viewing with the remnants of a hangover. There was a wedding go on whilst we were there though, weird! It was very good the first time I went there though…perhaps I had gone there a whole lot earlier which seems weird! After the Zoo we cycled over the Smith Street to check out a Japanese restaurant, Shoubu after a beer in the Union Bar just off Smith St. All good, but we were both tired so went home to bed early.